Name: Frazer Camp
Age: 16/17
Occupation: AS
Previous Roles: School Productions

The reason behind our choice in Frazer being in our actor for our film is for the reason in which that he has experience within drama, therefore acting due to him starring in many past school productions as well as drama exams. The role in which we have set him for our movie-tailed is having him to play both the part of the older man and younger man, so that both our persona's will look the same as they should be and not have too much differences. As well as it would be hard to schedule with two actors as they both may not be able to have the same free time as one another, therefore we have more reliability than hiring an old man. This then leads onto why we chose him specifically as we chose him for his bone structure as odd as it may seem we can imagine our actor as an older character such as our persona. This was highly important to us as we need to sell the illusion of him being an older character to the audience, that he was older within the modern world and a younger persona within the time our war is set- World War II. To show that our actor had the potential to be an older character as well as a younger persona, we made him face the sun so that he would squint therefore making him to seem older than he is. As a group we are highly pleased with our actor and are confident that he will pull the role off perfectly.
Credit to George Turner
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