Monday, 1 December 2014

Evaluation Of Research

As my group and I decided to jump the whole stage of our idea's, i decided it would be a good idea to dedicate a blog post to what i've learnt from my research. The first thing that i learnt was that Psychological Thrillers are the most produced and favouritised thriller, therefore we decided that we would oppose the typical thriller and make a rare thriller that barely comes out so that there would be no competition and will intrigue a big audience as it rarely seen. The reason why we wanted to explore within hybrid genres is because it allows the film maker to give the audience more of what they want from two genres instead of sticking within one genre which helps to develop originality within the media.

Mariella likes the idea of a war time thriller and wants to stick with that idea, however me and george have started to think along the lines of Sci-Fi Thiller. My idea for a Sci-Fi would be for someone who was in a dream and they were controlling what was happening within it however they then loose control of their dream  (beginning to panic) they then become out of their body and can see themselves panicking; out of body experience. So far George does no have an idea to contribute to it but soon should.

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